Fertility Bendidorm is the best fertility clinic in Alicante. We focus on always giving the best possible service and we have the best professionals who will help you with everything you need.

Our priority is to offer the best possible medical attention, taking advantage of all the advances to give the service in a personalized way. It is essential that all our patients feel listened to, cared for and accompanied.

We always want to keep you informed about the latest news in the world of assisted reproduction and offer you advice and help to increase your fertility.

One of our latest articles is “How does diet affect fertility?” In it we talk about the importance of eating balanced and varied and the impact it has on fertility.

In this case, we will talk about the positive impact of sport on fertility, both in men and women.

Like diet, sport has a great impact on people’s fertility, and it is also one of the fundamental pillars of a healthy life. And this is the kind of life that is recommended to couples looking to start a family.

Apart from fertility, it also has positive effects on our daily lives. Sport helps us relax and release stress (which, as we have talked about in other articles, is one of the elements that hinder fertility)

However, like everything else, you have to do it carefully, since excessive sports practice can negatively affect our body, and therefore, fertility.

For example, in the case of men, there are some sports that can cause the quality and quantity of sperm to be less than optimal. For women, exercising too much or too little can lead to hormonal imbalances.


  1. Reduce stress
  2. Promotes the production of sperm
  3. Improves hormonal balance

In short, sport has advantages for life in general and for fertility in particular. However, this does not mean that you have to obsess about going to the gym and having a healthy life, simply following a balanced diet and playing sports regularly is fine. If fertility problems still persist, get in touch with a professional who will help you with everything.

We from Fertility Benidorm, a fertility clinic in Alicante, want to give you our help. We offer the first free consultation without any commitment.

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