Fertility is an assisted reproduction clinic in Alicante, we take care of giving you the best possible service with the best professionals in the sector. At Fertility we have multiple treatments from which you can choose the one that best suits your needs.
In our assisted reproduction clinic in Alicante you will receive a unique and personal treatment to make you feel at home because our priority is your satisfaction and well-being.
We know how difficult these processes are and that is why we want to be there for you. At Fertility we also take psychological health into account, we understand that these processes are not easy and that on certain occasions help is needed.
Did you know that since the first in vitro fertilization, more than eight million births have been born by this method in the world? These data come from records from 1991 to 2014, which shows a large increase in this type of method in cases of infertility.
In relation to Spain, it is the most active European country in assisted reproduction. In our country, not only in vitro fertilization stands out, there are more methods such as sperm injection and egg donation.
Pregnancy rates caused by embryo transfer have stabilized in Europe (around 36%) while egg donation is increasing (around 50%)
Embryo freezing has also undergone a large increase in recent years, this is due to the desire of women to be mothers from an advanced age. From the age of 35, fertility rates in women are decreasing and at 40 they drop sharply, so that, in many cases, pregnancy cannot be achieved with own eggs.
We have pioneering techniques that will help you fulfill your dream. Blast cell culture consists of keeping the embryos obtained after in vitro fertilization for longer than usual, usually between five or six days.
The advantages of this procedure are: better embryo selection and better implantation capacity. With these improvements, the chances of pregnancy are increased.
Time Lapse is another technique that helps to see the evolution of the embryo in real time. It is an advanced incubation system with image capture with which we can observe the evolution of fertilized embryos in the laboratory from the moment fertilization occurs until their transfer to the maternal uterus.
It allows monitoring the evolution of the embryo in real time, thus increasing the quantity and quality of information.
At Fertility we develop these treatments and many more so that your dream of starting a family comes true because together we can be.
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