In Fertility Benidorm, a fertility clinic in Alicante, we have the best treatments, techniques and professionals to make your dream of having a family closer every day.

Our big and professional team is focused on giving you the best we can offer, and they are going to help and advise you in what treatment and technique is better for you and your necessities.

Is our mission to give you the best medical attention possible, taking advantage of every technological improvement in our hands but in a unique and different way, one more personal to each patient.

A person from our personal staff will be taking care of your wellbeing during all the process, being your trust person who will solve all your doughs and questions. Is fundamental to us and our motto that the patients feel like home when they are in our clinic, we want them to feel heard and cared.



In Fertility Benidorm, a fertility clinic in Alicante, we have different treatments among which you can choose the best that fits your needs. We are a high professional team of doctors not only in Spain but also abroad.

The most known is In Vitro Fertilization, what is its purpose? To get embryos that will be placed into the uterus and become a pregnancy.

The ovules are fecundated in our lab so we can get embryos. After treating these ones, they are transferred to the uterus to get the pregnancy. This technique will be used when the results of the different tests the patient will take, say so.


We are here for anything that could disturb you in any way. Our belief in having a close and direct relationship with our clients is what makes us the way we are. We give to our patients all the information they want and need before the treatment so they have every step very clear.

So, this is the reason why in our web you can find a communication service with the clinic. If any question come up, we are here to help you.

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